Pictures and Videos of N99376

Here's a picture of me in front of the plane at our first home --
a tie down at Craig Municipal Aiport (KCRG) in Jacksonville, Florida.
The plane is now kept in a hangar at Waukegan Airport (KUGN) just North of Chicago.

Everyone likes to see the picture of the panel, here's mine.  As you can see, the plane is quite well equipped. 
Of note, it has a slaved HSI, standby electric AI (to the right of the altimeter), WX-10 Stormscope,
King KFC-200 2 axis autopilot, Garmin GNS-530 GPS, GTX-327 transponder, a KR-87 ADF with RMI,
and JPI's EDM-800 grahic engine analyzer.  Not visible "under the hood" are the GAMIjectors and
Merlyn Black Magic automatic wastegate I've added since buying the plane.  The plane is also equipped
with the Precise Flight Standby Vaccuum system, Speed Brakes and elevator/aileron gap seals.

Only things the panel lacks that I hope to one day install are: TCAS capability and NEXRAD downlinked radar. 
We'll see how my wish list grows as I own the plane!


Here's the interior:


Here's a view of the left side.


Here's the right side and cabin door.


Here's another view of the left side with the baggage door open.


Click here to download a video of N99376 taking off from Denton, Tx
(KDTO -- just North of Dallas) enroute Chicago, IL on June 24, 2007.

Note: this is a 7.5MB file and should only be downloaded with a fast internet connection!

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